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  • We have lots of ways of keeping you up to date with the latest NCCDC news as well as contacting us. From Google+, to Twitter, to LinkedIn, we have you covered with the social media experience of your choice!
  • CCDC Alumni

    Former CCDC player, volunteer, or coach? Be sure to head over to LinkedIn and sign up for our Alumni group! Read More
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We appreciate the fact that so many have taken an interest in the CCDC program and we love how active our community is on social media outlets. With that being said there are several Twitter accounts that at first glance seem to be legitimate but are not run by or authorized to speak on behalf of CCDC. To clear up any confusion here is a list of verified Twitter CCDC feeds.

Program Feed Regional Feeds State Feeds

National CCDC

Western Regional
Mid-Atlantic Regional
Midwest Regional
Southeast Regional
Southwest Regional
Northeast Regional
North Central Regional

Minnesota State
Illinois State